Tuesday 22 April 2014

I have read some amazing and inspiring stories this week. I have heard from ladies who have been trying to conceive for many years and finally did as well as those who just were unable to have children but they have moved on.
I wanted to make today's post about not giving up. You should never give up on your dream to become a parent but instead find ways to enrich your life while you are moving toward your goal of being parents. You could Volunteer, Plant a Garden, Take up a new hobby or take dancing lessons, the point is that you should find something you enjoy doing that makes you happy. I have been told that some women were very bothered when surrounded by pregnant ladies because it reminded them of what it felt like to not be able to conceive so I suggest finding something that keeps you away from those who are pregnant. (This is of course only if it bothers you).
Infertility can make a person feel extremely isolated especially when you find that everyone in your social circle has children or is expecting . You get together with friends and always find the conversations are just about what the kids are doing and you start to feel left out because you can not partake or even join in on these conversations. I just want to remind you that this does not mean your friends are being insensitive they are just happy parents with curious questions to other Mom's and want some advice. If this becomes a problem for you I highly suggest reaching out and looking for another social circle but do not let go of the friends you have ! Enjoy their happiness and try to understand where they are coming from as well.
Infertility is also a huge strain on a marriage. It can cause so many emotional problems.It leads to questions you never thought you would be asking and sometimes can cause a couple to move to Divorce. I suggest openly discussing what your options are. In order for you both to better understand your options do some research together about different fertility treatments and adoption. Schedule an appointment with a specialist and ask any questions you may have about your options. My husband and I went  through all of this ourselves and that is how we decided on the option of IVF with Blastocyst.  Sadly none of the costs are covered by military healthcare and we have to come up with everything out of pocket. We are currently working on fundraising for this but only have 8 more weeks to raise the rest of the money. I will be doing a Giveaway on the Blog for a share contest soon that will require at least 35 entries and shares of the link have to be public. ( I will post the link at a later date or you can find it in previous posts)
I am looking forward to starting my Journey of IVF. I have moved forward in more ways then I can begin to explain. I have started to Volunteer again, taken up a new hobby and we are looking into adoption once we get our next assignment which we both hope will be stateside. There are so many children looking for a wonderful home! We are looking at adopting a child over the age of 12 months to give us a better chance of finding our future son or daughter <3
Please just remember do everything you can to make your dream a reality!

Friday 18 April 2014

I just wanted to give everyone a brief update. I know its been a bit since my last post.
I decided it was time to focus on creating some distractions in my life. I realized I was letting infertility define me. I was letting it win and just making myself the infertile one. There is much more to each and every one of us then just being tagged with a stigma. I have suggested in the past to find yourself some new hobbies or anything to just really keep busy.
I ended up putting an advertisement up for a dog walking service in my town in exchange for donations toward my IVF costs. I got a client this past week so I get to go and walk her two doggies a few times a week. I chose this because it allows me to get out and exercise (to lose more weight) and I can earn a little money toward our procedure. Our procedure is financially planned for July. We have saved $3500 and raised $855 via Go Fund Me.  Total cost for us will be roughly $9000.
My second thing is I decided to Volunteer and I love it! I get to Volunteer with some amazing people and learn a lot. I walk to the Volunteer position so its more exercise! I got to help out with the Exceptional Family member program this week and really enjoyed coming up with some crafts for those kids to do while they are out enjoying an evening out. I also got to give some advice to young families and really enjoyed myself.
Now the TMI part of my blog updates.
My cycle has changed! I am not sure what is going on but since October I have always had 26 day cycles with a Positive OPK on Day 9. I tested all the way to Day 12 this month and only got negatives. I ran out of tests so husband and I just went with the get busy every other day theory. It is hard to maintain hope after this many years of trying but I figure we may as well continue to try especially since the doctors can not figure out what  the problem is. They said maybe its weight so I dropped almost 40 pounds. I still have 15 to go before we can do IVF.
I will post more tomorrow as I just got done reading a very interesting article published my Popular Science on what may be causing some couples to be infertile.

<3 Have a wonderful Friday!

Saturday 5 April 2014

I am working on a series of articles for Ezines that discuss how female issues are often misdiagnosed.
I use to go visit the hospital every month for almost 7 years with horrid pains in my stomach, side and more! Each time it was the same thing I got told oh it must be part of your normal cycle, here are some pain killers , go home.. well fast forward 7 years and that was not the problem. I suffer every month for 7-10 days of horrid cramping. I use to see it as a sign of failure but thanks to someone I had a chat with I realize this is my chance to help others learn! My chance to help doctors understand and take women more serious in general when we go see them with these type of pains.
I found this interesting article that was written a long time ago but I invite you to go check it out. I think its a fantastic read and holds so true in many cases!


I hope you can learn something from it!


Sunday 30 March 2014

I do not get why I do this to myself every single month! I am sure many feel just like me. You have been trying for so long so every month you end up having faith that this time it worked for sure!  I was so positive and not even sure why but I just felt like this time it was it. I of course went out to the store and spent money buying pregnancy tests that I for some reason thought would show me two lines instead of one. I am sure you can guess that I got a BFN again! Month 57 here we come to try again.
I wish we had a diagnosis . I spend a lot of days pondering why the medical world says there is no reason why we can not get pregnant , yet we cant. I mean if all our labs our normal, my tube test was normal , then what is going on! The doctor did mention she things my uterine lining may not be able to support a pregnancy and that is where the rather unpleasant moments I get during my Mother Nature time come from.  Once we manage to get the money saved up  and if IVF is successful I will be getting an IV every month to keep my lining strong and keep future baby fugate in.
I did manage to drop another 3 pounds since our appointment at Bourn Hall. I am sticking to my walking and lower calories routine . I am not telling myself that I can not have something. Example I had chocolate crravings this weekend .. Hello those should have been my sign but nope still bought that darn pregnancy test anyway! I ended up buying me one of them small boxes of chocolates with only 4 pieces in it but it curbed my craving for chocolate .
I hope all is well and that someone got good news this past week. The past two weeks have been a bit stressful on my family but we are dealing with it.  Hope everyone has a great Monday!


Tuesday 25 March 2014

The past few days have gone better then most. I did not end up feeling like I was a failure for not being able to conceive. I know that IVF can be a touchy subject for some but if you have any questions in regards to the procedure or any tests I have had done I will gladly answer them from my experience.

Bryan just had the last of the blood tests done required for us to move forward with Bourn Hall Fertility Clinic. We are just trying to raise the rest of the money needed for the  medication and we can get started. I have been chatting with several wonderful ladies and realized that not everyone gets put on the same medication for IVF treatment. I am on a Progesteron Gel  and two different injections plus the final trigger shot. I hate needles so I am not sure how I will handle the shots but I have heard that it does not take very long to do and the needle is tiny as its in a injection pen. I do 12 doses of the first medication, 4 doses of the second and then the trigger shot. I will also be giving an IV that is suppose to aid with keeping the lining strong and if the treatment works I have to return for one every few weeks during the entire pregnancy. The IV will cost us a little over $400 per treatment.  We spent $550 so far for one appointment. The procedure will cost $4700 plus blastocyst fee if we have enough eggs, this fee at our clinic is about $1300. The first medications will cost us $2000 and then $1500 during the cycle for the IV. I really wish my family had time to save instead of having to try to raise the funds in other ways.
I am 39 and it took them almost 7 years to finally say you need to go with IVF and to find a doctor who  will work with us. I am thrilled but saddened that I only have a few months to come up with the money. If we had 12 months to save this would so not be a problem for us. I am a penny pincher and can give up a lot of things in this world for the best goal there is, to be a parent. I have been judged by many for raising the money using a crowd funder website. I know some thing well how can you afford a child if you need to raise this money? I do not have $9500 just sitting around right now and if our insurance just covered the medication there would be no need for us to try and come up with the money.

 I encourage everyone to get in touch with their senator's and get busy writing. There is a law  sitting around to give tax credit for IVF costs and some states are now adding the right to have a family act to their health insurance coverage. This act is amazing as it allows a family a cycle of IVF for free! I mean how wonderful is that to not put a family in financial straights and instead let the health insurance cover it. My husband and I are currently stationed in the United Kingdom and they offer IVF here to UK citizen's or those under NHS for free! I am not sure why this is not part of our health insurance . I mean there are rules of course like you can not have any children and such but it is still a wonderful thing.I do apologize for rambling on today but I just wanted to share some of these thoughts. I would love to hear your opinion's about offering the treatment through health insurance or at least covering the medication costs with a copayment. Please do not leave a rude comment and just your opinion. I know that it can be very hard to understand how a person feels that has been trying to have a child for years but has been unable to do so. We are an emotional bunch and try to hide it well but speaking from the heart one little thing someone says can send me into tears for no reason at all! I just start to think about what I want and how it is just not happening naturally due to medical issues but the past few days those thoughts have turned to joy at knowing that it is very possible that in 14 months or so I could be a mom! (depending on when we start the treatment)
Have a blessed week all! I need to stop rambling and get ready for my Volunteer job :-)

Friday 21 March 2014

Hello Friday!
It has been an insane emotional week for me! I got a positive ovulation test. I  got home tested, did it again 10 hours later and it was negative. I  pray that this miracle will fiinally happen after 56 months of  trying to conceive. I wrote an article and got it published about the impact of infertility on couples.
You can find it here .
I would also like to remind everyone of the giveaway going on for a chance to win 1 of 2 $10 Amazon Gift cards . You can find that at this link, Giveaway 

Lastly please continue to share our link to our fundraiser to help make this baby miracle happen!
Fundraiser Link 

I had a bad day yesterday. I had a  confrontation with someone and thought my world was going to come crashing down around me. It was like everything hit me once. We had a loss in the family, found out we did not succeed at our cycle of getting pregnant.I felt like I was being accused of something I did not do and I suppose I do not handle these situations well. It brings back way to much pain from what I went through when I was growing up. I went home, I prayed and I cried. I prayed that I would find inner peace to deal with anything thrown my way and thrown another persons way. I just wanted to share that remember you never know what a person is going through so if you have a concern with someone address it politely and move on :)
Treat each other with kindness because it goes a long way and always remember to say a prayer or send positive thoughts out to all those who need.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Its me again!
I just wanted to share that the Giveaway is now up and running.
You can enter it at Awesome Giveway

Thank you for your continued Love and Support <3